When you are doing your extra blog, don't you just feel like you don't know what
to write? Well it's okay if you don't because, well, I'm writing this blog now
and so this just means I also don't know but this just came into mind and
so I'm writing about it now. I know we can write about an app or anything
but it has to relate to Media but there isn't really an app I can really
write about but, because most people know most of the apps on an
android or an iPhone. But anyways next blog I will know what to write
to write? Well it's okay if you don't because, well, I'm writing this blog now
and so this just means I also don't know but this just came into mind and
so I'm writing about it now. I know we can write about an app or anything
but it has to relate to Media but there isn't really an app I can really
write about but, because most people know most of the apps on an
android or an iPhone. But anyways next blog I will know what to write